IMPORTANT: First, please click here to register for the IGS member forums if you have not already. Upon approval, your status will be adjusted.

Please, enter the email, name, position and affiliation of the person who will be able to confirm that you are currently enrolled as a fill-time student in a degree granting institution of higher education (i.e., BA, BS, MA, MSc, MD, PhD, DPhil, DSC, DVM). This confirmation should be provided by a department head, dean, qualifying faculty member, or a full IGS member. Your submission of that person’s contact information indicates that you obtained approval to enter his/her contact information. As well, include your email address such that you recieve all correspondence.

**In this letter you are requesting confirmation of your status as a full time student enrolled in an accredited program. Also include your expected graduation date. Include name, position, and affiliation of your contact person.


Dr …. (name of your contact person)
(position of your contact person)
(affiliation of your contact person)

Dear Dr …,

I am requesting your confirmation that I am currently enrolled as full time undergraduate/graduate student at the University of … to obtain my PhD/BSc/… degree in …. I wish to enroll as a stuent member in the International Graphonomics Society (IGS)( Please, could you do a “Reply All” to this message and confirm to me with a CC to the official of the IGS.

Thanking you for your time and efforts, sincerely yours, ….