Conference Website: IGS 2023
Conference Website: IGS 2021
Conference Website: IGS 2019
18th IGS Conference: 18-21 June 2017 Gaeta, Italy (IGS2017) “Graphonomics for e-citizens:
e-health, e-society, e-education”
June 18-21, 2017
Aragonese castle, Gaeta, Italy
The Conference theme is “Graphonomics for e-citizens: e-health, e-society, e-education” and will be a single track international forum for discussion on recent advances in the fields of science and technology of handwriting and other graphic skills, and their impact on the daily life within the e-society.
IGS2017 is endorsed by IAPR – International Association of Pattern Recognition

Related conferences, search www.wikicfp.com
17th IGS Conference: 21-24 June 2015 Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe (IGS2015) “Drawing, Handwriting Processing and Analysis: New Advances and Challenges”
16th International Graphonomics Society Conference (IGS2013)
Nara, JAPAN, June 10-13, 2013
Call For Papers, 1-page (0.1 MB)
Call For Papers, 2-sided trifold (0.2 MB)
Call For Participations, 1-page (0.1 MB)
Call For Late-breaking-Papers, 1-page (0.1 MB)
General Chair
Masaki Nakagawa nakagawa@cc.tuat.ac.jp
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Annie Vinter
University of Bourgogne, France
Program Committee
Jose Luis Contreras-Vidal
University of Houston, USA
Claudio De Stefano
University of Cassino, Italy
Heidi Harralson
Spectrum Consultants, USA
Koichi Kise
Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
Toshiyuki Kondo
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Marcus Liwicki (Chair)
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany
Angelo Marcelli
University of Salerno, Italy
Rejean Plamondon
Ecole Polytechnique, Canada
Hans-Leo Teulings
NeuroScript, USA
Arend Van Gemmert
Louisiana State University, USA
Bilan Zhu (Co-chair)
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Local Arrangement Committee
Akihito Kitadai (Chair)
J.F. Oberlin University, Japan
Seiji Hotta
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Takeshi Nagasaki
Hitachi Central Research Lab., Japan
Hiroshi Tanaka
Fujitsu Lab., Japan
Akihiro Watanabe
Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Japan
Important dates:
Paper submission: February 10, 2013
Late-breaking paper submission: March 17, 2013
Authors notification: March 22, 2013
Camera-ready version: April 15, 2013
Author registration: April 15, 2013
The campus of Todaiji Temple (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Todai-ji) in Nara, Japan. Todaiji is the largest wooden building in the world.
Nara is the ancient capital of Japan and 1.5 hour from the Kansai International Airport. Visit www.narashikanko.jp/en/.
The Conference theme is “Learn from the Past“, and will be a single-track international forum for discussion on recent advances in the fields of science, humanities, arts and technology of Graphonomics.
Neuro science and Brain science: Development, planning, control, learning and adaptation of grasping, writing & drawing movements; Neuroimaging; Brain mapping.
Computational models: Biomechanical models; Cognitive models; Handwriting perception and production; Neural networks.
Forensic science: Handwriting analysis; Handwriting features; Signature verification; Methods; Computer tools.
Pattern recognition: Off-line and on-line handwriting recognition; Writer identification and recognition; Signature verification.
Historical document processing and archiving: Image processing; Document retrieval; Digital museum.
Education: Handwriting evaluation; Teaching/Learning handwriting; Handwriting in education.
Fine arts: Drawing skill evaluation; Teaching/Learning drawing & painting; Writing music; History of writing/drawing in fine arts & music.
Analysis of fine motor control: Recording; Tracking; Processing; Handwriting production; Tools.
Medical applications: Movement disorders; Biomarkers and drugs; Rehabilitation therapies.
Applications: Brain-Machine/Computer Interfaces; Assistive & Rehabilitative robotics; Bio-robotics; Pen & touch-base Interfaces.
Submission details
Submit a paper (4-pages long, see Conference Website for template) falling in one of the following categories: survey or tutorial, research and on-going research.
Survey or tutorial papers should present the state of the art for any of the topics listed above, possibly focusing on the role that inter-disciplinarity has played in shaping that specific field.
Research papers should describe either theoretical or experimental works that have reached conclusive results.
On-going research papers should describe partial/preliminary results, successful applications of well-known techniques to specific domains, original or enhanced algorithms, or experimental methodologies.
Further Information
Contact Conference Chair, Prof. Masaki Nakagawa at nakagawa@cc.tuat.ac.jp
Receive email updates on IGS2013, register for the Member Forum at www.graphonomics.org (no cost)
Related conferences, search www.wikicfp.com
15th IGS Conference: 12-15 Jun. 2011 Live Aqua Cancun, Mexico (IGS2011) “Translational Graphonomics”
IGS2011 is the 15th Biennial Conference of the International Graphonomics Society and will take place in Live Aqua Cancun along the Mayan coast of Mexico.
The Conference theme is Translational Graphonomics, and will be a single-track international forum for discussion on recent advances in the fields of science, humanities, arts and technology of fine motor skills.
General Chairman:
José (Pepe) L Contreras-Vidal, University of Maryland, USA
Horacio Martinez-Alfaro, ITESM, MEXICO
Juan Lopez-Coronado, University of Cartagena, SPAIN
SPECIAL SESSION: Brain-Machine Interfaces for Dexterous Movements
IGS Satellite meeting: BCI workshop (www.gtec.at/News-Events/Workshops/BCI-Workshop-in-Cancun-Mexico)
2011 Annual BCI award sponsored by g.tec (www.bci-award.com)
Title submission: December 10, 2010
The deadline for submission of full papers has been extended to December 24, 2010. However, you still need to submit a brief abstract (~100 words) as soon as possible. This will allow the Committee to request reviewers for your contribution and also serves as a commitment that you will attend the IGS 2011 conference.
Abstract submission: December 24, 2010 or As Soon As Possible.
Authors notification: February 1, 2011 or As Soon As Possible.
Camera-ready version: March 1, 2011 or As Soon As Possible.
Author registration: March 31, 2011
Hotel reservation: March 31, 2011
Click for Call for Papers Pamphlet
For further information, please contact the Conference Chair at pepeum@umd.edu
14th Conference of the International Graphonomics Society
Dijon, France • September 13 – 16, 2009
Paper submission (4 pages text): March 9th, 2009
Author notification: March 9th, 2009 (early)
April 17th, 2009 (late)
Early Registration By: June 19th, 2009
Camera-ready: July 15th, 2009
Author registration* July 31st, 2009
Reception in Dijon: September 13th, 2009
Visit of the surroundings: September 17th, 2009
* Each submission requires at least one new registration
Letter of Invitation
IGS will be pleased to send a formal letter of invitation to scientists requesting an invitation letter for visa purposes. It is understood that such an invitation is intended to help scientists to raise funds or to obtain a visa. This does not imply a commitment from IGS to provide any financial support.
To Students
The Association of Forensic Document Examiners will sponsor the Best Student Paper Award.
Sponsors and Exhibitors
13th Conference of the International Graphonomics Society
Melbourne, Australia • November 11-14, 2007
Paper Submission | May 11th, 2007 | |
Author Notification | August 10th, 2007 | |
Camera-Ready Version | September 7th, 2007 | |
Author Registration* | September 7th, 2007 |
* Each submission requires at least one new registration
Sponsors and Exhibitors
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Last Update: 25 October 2007
12th Conference of the International
Graphonomics Society (IGS)
26-29 June 2005, Salerno, Italy (near Naples)
Conference chair: Angelo Marcelli (amarcelli@***unisa.it)
Conference co-chair: Claudio De Stefano (destefano@***unicas.it)
Remove ***after ‘@’ to email
Special Theme: Advances in Graphonomics: Perceiving, Deciding, Acting
Updated: 8 June 2006; Comments: HLTeulings@***NeuroScriptSoftware.com
The IGS2005 conference will bring together the world’s leading scientists and professionals in fine motor control, handwriting, and other hand, finger, and arm movements and their applications in computer interaction and processing, education, forensic science, medicine, and other novel applications.
Please, remember to monitor this site. You may want to use the following additional information sources.
Salerno, Italy
o Scrib-L mailing list for handwriting researchers (www.Graphonomics.org/scribl.php)
o Bulletin of the International Graphonomics Society (BIGS) (www.cedar.buffalo.edu/igs/)
o Full papers will soon be invited for submission to: Human Movement Science
We can support your presentation at the
conference in Melbourne, Australia in 2007.
Search for travel awards at
11th Conference of the International
Graphonomics Society (IGS)
Connecting Sciences Using Graphonomic Research
November 2nd – 5th, 2003, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Next Conferences: IGS2005, IGS2007, IGS2009
Updated: 8 June 2006; Comments: HLTeulings@***NeuroScriptSoftware.com
o Parallel conference. The Association of Forensic Document Examiners (AFDE) will have its annual conference (www.afde.org) on Practice of Forensic Document Examination and Applications of Graphonomics Research for Forensic Document Examination.
H.L. Teulings & A.W.A. Van Gemmert (Eds.) (2003). Proceedings of the 11th conference of the International Graphonomics Society (IGS2003), 2-5 November 2003, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. Tempe, AZ: NeuroScript. ISBN: 0-9746365-0-9. (331 pages, 77 extended abstracts).
Cover Contents – $30/copy + S&H*
o Motor Control (MC, 8 (4), 2004) – 8$/copy + S&H* Contents.
o International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI, 18 (7), 2004) – 15$/copy + S&H* Contents.
o The Journal of Forensic Document Examination (JFDE, 16, 2004) – Order and Contents.
o Email to hlteulings@***neuroscriptsoftware.com (remove ***after @ to email)
(*) S&H (Shipping and Handling) costs are 10$ per 1-2 issues or per proceedings copy.
Motor Control, Volume 8, Issue 4 (October 2004).
Arend W.A. Van Gemmert; Hans-Leo Teulings. Connecting Sciences Using Graphonomic Research. Motor Control, Volume 8, Issue 4 (October 2004).
Daniel Bullock. From Parallel Sequence Representations to Calligraphic Control: A Conspiracy of Neural Circuits. Motor Control, Volume 8, Issue 4 (October 2004).
Mark L. Latash; Jae Kun Shim; Fan Gao; Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky. Rotational Equilibrium During Multi-Digit Pressing and Prehension. Motor Control, Volume 8, Issue 4 (October 2004).
Isabelle Sallagoïty; Sylvie Athènes; Pier-Giorgio Zanone; Jean-Michel Albaret. Stability of Coordination Patterns in Handwriting: Effects of Speed and Hand. Motor Control, Volume 8, Issue 4 (October 2004).
Caroline J. Ketcham; Natalia V. Dounskaia; George E. Stelmach. Age-Related Differences in the Control of Multijoint Movements. Motor Control, Volume 8, Issue 4 (October 2004).
Bouwien C.M. Smits-Engelsman; Gerard P. Van Galen; Jacques Duysens. Force Levels in Uni- and Bimanual Isometric Tasks Affect Variability Measures Differently Throughout Lifespan. Motor Control, Volume 8, Issue 4 (October 2004).
Florian A. Kagerer; Jin Bo; Jose L. Contreras-Vidal; Jane E. Clark. Visuomotor Adaptation in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. Motor Control, Volume 8, Issue 4 (October 2004).
Oliver Tucha; Klaus W. Lange. Handwriting and Attention in Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Motor Control, Volume 8, Issue 4 (October 2004).
Brandon Rohrer; Susan Fasoli; Hermano Igo Krebs; Bruce Volpe; Walter R. Frontera; Joel Stein; Neville Hogan. Submovements Grow Larger, Fewer, and More Blended During Stroke Recovery. Motor Control, Volume 8, Issue 4 (October 2004).
Jay L. Alberts; Christopher M. Elder; Michael S. Okun; Jerrold L. Vitek Comparison of Pallidal and Subthalamic Stimulation on Force Control in Patient’s with Parkinson’s Disease. Motor Control, Volume 8, Issue 4 (October 2004).
Hanneke I. van Mier; Joel S. Perlmutter; Steven E. Petersen. Functional Changes in Brain Activity During Acquisition and Practice of Movement Sequences. Motor Control, Volume 8, Issue 4 (October 2004).
Bouwien C.M. Smits-Engelsman; Stephan P. Swinnen; Jacques Duysens. Are Graphomotor Tasks Affected by Working in the Contralateral Hemispace in 6- To 10-Year-Old Children? Motor Control, Volume 8, Issue 4 (October 2004).
Sima Mistry; Jose L. Contreras-Vidal. Learning Multiple Visuomotor Transformations: Adaptation and Context-Dependent Recall. Motor Control, Volume 8, Issue 4 (October 2004).
Anna Woch; Réjean Plamondon. Using the Framework of the Kinematic Theory for the Definition of a Movement Primitive. Motor Control, Volume 8, Issue 4 (October 2004).
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 7, (November 2004)
HANS-LEO TEULINGS and AREND W. A. VAN GEMMERT. Connecting Graphonomic Research and Pattern Recognition. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 7, (November 2004), p. 1131ff.
CLAUDIO DE STEFANO, GIANLUCA GUADAGNO and ANGELO MARCELLI. A SALIENCY-BASED SEGMENTATION METHOD FOR ONLINE CURSIVE HANDWRITING. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 7, (November 2004), p. 1139ff.
CLAUDIO DE STEFANO and ANGELO MARCELLI. AN EFFICIENT METHOD FOR ONLINE CURSIVE HANDWRITING STROKES REORDERING. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 7, (November 2004), p. 1157ff.
KEISUKE MOCHIDA and MASAKI NAKAGAWA. SEPARATING FIGURES, MATHEMATICAL FORMULAS AND JAPANESE TEXT FROM FREE HANDWRITING IN MIXED ONLINE DOCUMENTS. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 7, (November 2004), p. 1173ff.
JULIO CESAR MARTÍNEZ ROMO and ROGELIO ALCÁNTARA SILVA. OPTIMAL PROTOTYPE FUNCTIONS OF FEATURES FOR ONLINE SIGNATURE VERIFICATION. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 7, (November 2004), p. 1189ff.
MOUSSA DJIOUA and RÉJEAN PLAMONDON. THE GENERATION OF VELOCITY PROFILES WITH AN ARTIFICIAL SIMULATOR. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 7, (November 2004), p. 1207ff.
ROGER STEVENSON, JAMES G. PHILLIPS and TOM J. TRIGGS. MOUSE AND DISPLAY TABLETS AS CURSOR CONTROL DEVICES. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 7, (November 2004), p. 1221ff.
I. ZAAROUR, L. HEUTTE, PH. LERAY, J. LABICHE, B. ETER and D. MELLIER. CLUSTERING AND BAYESIAN NETWORK APPROACHES FOR DISCOVERING HANDWRITING STRATEGIES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 7, (November 2004), p. 1233ff.
T. VARGA and H. BUNKE. OFFLINE HANDWRITING RECOGNITION USING SYNTHETIC TRAINING DATA PRODUCED BY MEANS OF A GEOMETRICAL DISTORTION MODEL. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 7, (November 2004), p. 1285ff.
SIMON GÜNTER and HORST BUNKE. MULTIPLE CLASSIFIER SYSTEMS IN OFFLINE HANDWRITTEN WORD RECOGNITION – ON THE INFLUENCE OF TRAINING SET AND VOCABULARY SIZE. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 7, (November 2004), p. 1303ff.
CINTHIA O. A. FREITAS, FLÁVIO BORTOLOZZI and ROBERT SABOURIN STUDY OF PERCEPTUAL SIMILARITY BETWEEN DIFFERENT LEXICONS. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 7, (November 2004), p. 1321ff.
MEENAKSHI K. KALERA, SARGUR SRIHARI and AIHUA XU. OFFLINE SIGNATURE VERIFICATION AND IDENTIFICATION USING DISTANCE STATISTICS. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 7, (November 2004), p. 1339ff.
SUNG-HYUK CHA, CHARLES C. TAPPERT, MICHAEL GIBBONS and YI-MIN CHEE. AUTOMATIC DETECTION OF HANDWRITING FORGERY USING A FRACTAL NUMBER ESTIMATE OF WRINKLINESS. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 7, (November 2004), p. 1361ff.
Hans-Leo Teulings, Arend van Gemmert, and Patricai Girourard. Editorial. JOURNAL OF FORENSIC DOCUMENT EXAMINATION, Vol. 16, 2004.
Bin Zhang and Sargur N. Srihari. Handwriting Identification using Multi-scale Features. JOURNAL OF FORENSIC DOCUMENT EXAMINATION, Vol. 16, 2004. p.1ff.
Graham Leedham, Vladimir Pervouchine, and Wei Kei Tan. Quantitative Letter-level Extraction and Analysis of Features used by Document Examiners. JOURNAL OF FORENSIC DOCUMENT EXAMINATION, Vol. 16, 2004. p.21ff.
Katsuhiko Ueda, Ken’ichi Matsuo, and Yoshikazu Nakamura. A Computer-based System to Support Forensic Analysis of Japanese Handwriting. JOURNAL OF FORENSIC DOCUMENT EXAMINATION, Vol. 16, 2004. p. 41ff.
Ameur Bensefia, Thierry Paquet, and Laurent Heutte. Writer Identification and Verification: Two Complementary Approaches for the Quantitative Analysis of Handwritten Documents. JOURNAL OF FORENSIC DOCUMENT EXAMINATION, Vol. 16, 2004. p. 57ff.
Jodi C. Sita, Bryan Found, and Doug Rogers. A Quantitative Analysis of the Spatial Properties of Questioned Signatures and their Relationship to Forensic Document Examiners’ Opinions. JOURNAL OF FORENSIC DOCUMENT EXAMINATION, Vol. 16, 2004. p.77ff.
Jodi C. Sita, Bryan Found, and Doug Rogers. A Preliminary Model using Quantitative Data for Forensic Signature Identification. JOURNAL OF FORENSIC DOCUMENT EXAMINATION, Vol. 16, 2004. p. 91ff.
Merijn Van Erp, Louis Vuurpijl, Katrin Franke, and Lambert Schomaker. The WANDA Measurement Tool for Forensic Document Examination. JOURNAL OF FORENSIC DOCUMENT EXAMINATION, Vol. 16, 2004. p. 103ff.
Katrin Franke and Lambert Schomaker Robotic Writing Trace Synthesis and its Application in the Study of Signature Line Quality. JOURNAL OF FORENSIC DOCUMENT EXAMINATION, Vol. 16, 2004. p. 119ff.
o Nov 2, 2003: Tutorial on computer analysis and recognition of handwritten documents and digital watermarking, scheduled from 2:30 – 5:30 pm, check the details
o Nov 2-5, IGS2003 Conference event: The standard registration for IGS2003 is now applicable. Early registration was until September 15 2003. Register Now!
o Nov 3, 2003: Rawhide Wild West Evening: Cowboy style Dinner cookout with barbeque, Entertainment – Live Western music, authentic Native American dancers and Rawhide wranglers.
To participate please refer the preliminary program.
o Nov 4, 2003: IGS2003 Official Banquet: To participate please refer the preliminary program and Venue page.
o Nov 4, 2003: Researchable Questions Market program, during poster session >> Details

Association of Forensic Document Examiners (AFDE)

International Graphonomics Society (IGS)
The world’s largest interest group on arm,
hand and finger movement, especially handwriting.
10th IGS Conference: 06-08 Aug. 2001 Nijmegen, The Netherlands (IGS2001) “Motor Disorders”
9th IGS Conference: 28-30 Jun. 1999 Singapore, Singapore (IGS1999)
8th IGS Conference: 24-29 Aug. 1997 Genoa, Italy
7th IGS Conference: 6-10 Aug. 1995 London, Ontario, Canada
6th IGS Conference: 4-7 Jul. 1993 Paris, France
5th IGS Conference: 27-30 Oct. 1991 Tempe, Arizona, USA
4th IGS Conference: 24-26 Jul. 1989 Trondheim, Norway
3rd IGS Conference: 20-23 Jul. 1987 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
2nd IGS Conference: 8-12 Jul. 1985 Hong Kong, Hong Kong
1st IGS Conference: 12-15 Jul. 1982 Nijmegen, The Netherlands