You can download/open a printable and up-to-date PDF version of the IDS2009 program here. |
Sunday 13
From 18.00 to 20.30
Registration and Welcome Party
Monday 14
8.30 Opening | Welcome from the President of the Society A.Marcelli Welcome from the Conference organizers A. Vinter & J-L. Velay |
9.00 Invited talk | A computational approach to forensic sciences K. Franke |
10.00 Coffee break and Poster session |
A combining method of non-linear normalization to support reading damaged character pattern on historical documents A. Kitadai, M. Nakagawa, H. Baba & A. Watanabe |
10.30 Signature analysis and authentification
Analysis of Signature Complexity L.C. Alewijnse, E. Van Den Heuvel, R.D. Stoel & K. Franke |
Towards a protocol for forensic document examination based on handwriting generation S. Frontini, G. Giordano & A. Marcelli |
Towards an inferred data accuracy assessment of forensic examination methodologies for signatures R. Guest, M. Fairhurst & A. Linnell |
Evaluation of novel features and different models for online signature verification in a real-world scenario M. Liwicki |
Pen pressure as a discriminatory feature between genuine and forged signatures L. Mohammed, B. Found, M. Caligiuri & D. Rogers. |
14.00 Parkinson’s Disease, Movement Disorders and Handwriting analysis
Complex bimanual coordination is performed accurately using verbal instructions in Parkinson’s Disease patients A.W. Van Gemmert, S. Ringenbach, H. Shill & G. Stelmach |
Assessments of fine motor control in Parkinson’s Disease patients with the Neuroskill™ analysis of handwriting dynamics R. Shrairman & A. Landau |
Parkinson’s Disease differentially affects adaptation to gradual as compared to sudden visuomotor distortions A.Venkatakrishnan, J. Banquet, Y. Burnod & J. Contreras-Vidal |
Handwriting performance measures of “real life” tasks: A comparison between the performance of patients with Parkinson’s Disease and controls S. Rosenblum, M. Samuel, S. Zlotnik & I. Schlesinger |
Movement analysis for stroke susceptibility assessment C. O’Reilly, R. Plamondon, B. Clément, P. Mathieu & L-H. Lebrun |
Handwriting in patients with Parkinson’s Disease: effect of L-Dopa and stimulation of the sub-thalamic nucleus on motor anticipation C. Bidet-Ildei, S. Kandel, P. Pollack & J-P. Orliaguet |
Designing an Ensemble Classifier for classifying parkinsonian handwriting S. Chandra, D. Subramanian, V. Chakravarthy, A. Srinivasan, J. Kumar |
16.20 Coffee break and Poster session |
Automatic analysis of on-line sketch based on use of local descriptors N. Renau-Ferrer & C. Rémi |
Writer identification of Arabic documents by multi-scale modelling Z. Shi, S. Setlur & V. Govindaraju |
17.00 Invited talk | Brain and Parkinson’s disease A.L. Benabid |
18.00 Social event | Wine Degustation |
Tuesday 15
8.30 Invited talk | Language and Writing Development V. Connelly |
9.30 Coffee break and Poster session |
Temporal aspects of Handwriting skill development: A computerized study utilizing the ComPET L. Gafni & S. Rosenblum |
Gender and stereotype effect on children’s handwriting speed K. Semoglou, E. Griva & K. Klapadora |
Impact of children’s handwriting skill on execution periods and text quality T. Olive, R.A. Alves, S.L. Castro & M. Branco |
10.00 Language and Handwriting production
For a psycholinguistic approach of handwriting production S. Kandel |
Syllable frequency effects in Spanish handwriting production O. Alfonso & C. Alvarez |
Handwriting variability in children writing letters: a study in dyslexics, dysgraphics and proficient handwriters J-L. Velay, F. Henin, C. Moulin, T. Thomas, I. Devos-Charles & M. Habib |
11.00 Forensics and Handwriting variability
Bayesian evaluation of the shape of handwritten characters “a” R. Marquis, S. Bozza, M. Schmittbuhl & F . Taroni |
Disguising writers identification: an experimental study C. De Stefano, A. Marcelli & M. Rendina |
Handwriting variability in movement disorder patients and effects of fatigue H. Harralson, H-L. Teulings & B. Farley |
Comparing Handwriting variability under four postural conditions E. Sciacca, M-B. Langlois-Peter, J-C. Gilhodes, P. Margot & J-L. Velay |
14.00 Development: Handwriting and drawing
Haptics in handwriting teaching F. Bara, A. Hillairet de Boisferon & E. Gentaz |
Early development of writing skills: A longitudinal study with preschool writers O. Soler & S. Kandel |
The links between motor development and the development of handwriting among eight-to-eleven-year-olds I. Sage, P. Zesiger & C. Garitte |
A comparison of three methods of learning to write a new letterform A.Overvelde & W. Hulstijn |
Developmental and handedness effects on tapping and drawing performance in 3- to-6 year olds H. Van Mier |
15.40 Coffee break and Poster session |
The development of gender and task related differences in fine motor tasks A. Ypslanti, A. Zikouli, K. Semoglou & E. Kadrefi |
Do 5-year-old children and adults spontaneously draw “golden rectangles and triangles”? E. Gentaz & V. Izard |
Handwriting difficulties in Tunisian children: a descriptive study S. Bouamama, N. Stucchi, P. Zesiger & I. Bouzaoueche |
16.10 Handwriting recognition and signature verification
Offline cursive character recognition: a state-of-the art comparison J. Thornton, J. Faichney, M. Blumenstein V. Nguyen & T. Hine |
Modeling relative positioning of handwritten patterns A. Delaye, S. Mace & E. Anquetil |
A Handwritten Pashto Database with multi-aspects for handwriting recognition M. Shah, C. Lei He, N. Nobile & C. Y. Suen |
Using Bayesian networks for combining classifiers: a new evolutionary learning algorithm C. De Stefano, F. Fontanella, A. Marcelli & A. Scotto di Freca |
Model approach to DTW signature verification using error signals J. Putz-Leszczynska & A. Pacut |
Text identification from mixed documents using weighted features X. Peng, S. Setlur, V.Govindaraju & R.Sitaram |
19.00 Social event | Conference dinner |
Wednesday 16
9.00 Invited talk | Brain and Handwriting J.F. Demonet |
10.00 Coffee break and Poster session |
Visuo-motor tracking in a pursuit loop-drawing task J. Yank & A. Van Gemmert |
The role of basal ganglia in performing simple reaching movements: a computational model M. Mohamed, V. Chakravarthy, D. Subramanian & B. Ravindran |
10.30 Drawing and handwriting: Movement disorders
A computer learning model using hand-drawn images for the assessment of visuo-spatial neglect Y. Liang, M.Fairhurst, R. Guest & J. Potter |
Pen grip force in writer’s cramp J. Hermsdörfer, C. Marquardt, A. Schneider, W. Fürholzer & B. Baur |
The intermittency of Braille reading finger velocities B. Hughes, A. Van Gemmert & G. Stelmach |
11.30 Handwriting: Perception and production
Neural correlates of the visual perception of handwritten letters M. Longcamp, Y. Hlushchuk & R. Hari |
Effects of orientation and eccentricity on graphomotor coordination dynamics J. Dann, S. Athenes & P.G. Zanone |
Does graphic shapes perception mirror handwriting patterns production Y. Wamain, V. Kostrubiec, M. Longcamp, J. Tallet & P.G. Zanone |
14.00 Neuroscience
Intentional control and biomechanical exploitation in preparatory handwriting I. Bosga-Stork, J. Bosga & R.G.J. Meulenbroek |
Some relationships between eye movements and handwriting J. Sebastian, D.K. Rogers & J.C. Sita |
Circadian Rhythm in Handwriting: Comparison of German and Dutch handwriting kinematics in two 40 h-sleep deprivation protocols I. Jasper, M. Gordijn, A. Haüssler, C. Marquardt & J. Hermsdörfer |
A comparison of some analytical models describing the velocity profile of rapid movements M. Djioua & R. Plamondon |
15.20 Historical Document processing
Contour based features for the classification of ancient manuscripts I. Siddiqi, F. Cloppet & N. Vincent |
Copying and composition in scribal culture A. Conti |
16.00 Coffee break and Poster session |
Requirements for intelligent pen based annotation systems: an exemplary study with semantic eInk M. Liwicki & A. Dengel |
Multi-script baseline detection using perceptive vision A. Lemaitre, J. Camillerapp & B. Coüasnon |
16.30 Identification and Generation
Writer identification for multi-script multi-writer manuscript U. Garain & T. Paquet |
A complete method of personal handwriting synthesis S. Chowdhury, S. Das & D. Roy |
17.10 Closure | Closure of the Conference |
Thursday 17 (registration needed)
Visit to Les Hospices de Beaune and l’Abbaye de Fontenay