IGS Special Issues Proceedings
Conference Proceedings
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18th IGS conference: 18-21 June 2017, Gaeta, Italy (IGS2017)
Claudio De Stefano and Angelo Marcelli (Eds.). Graphonomics for e-Citizens: e-Health, e-Society, e-Education. Proceedings of IGS 2017. Gaeta, Italy. ISBN 9788864387062 (217 pages, 50 research articles). Contents IGS2017 Proceedings | Download IGS2017 Proceedings | Ordering e-mail: destefano@unicas.it
C. De Stefano, F. Fontanella and A. Marcelli. Special Issue: Graphonomics for e-citizens: e-health, e-society, e-education. Pattern Recognition Letters. Call for Papers
17th IGS conference: 21-24 June 2015, Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe (IGS2015)
Céline Rémi, Lionel Prévost and Eric Anquetil (Eds.). Drawing, Handwriting Processing Analysis: New Advances and Challenges. Proceedings of IGS 2015. Martinique: UNIVERSITE DES ANTILLES. ISBN 979-10-95177-01-2 (140 pages, 29 extended abstracts). Contents IGS2015 Proceedings | Download IGS2015 Proceedings | Ordering e-mail: celine.remi@univ-ag.fr
G. Pirlo, R. Plamondon and E. Anquetil (2017). Special Issue: Drawing and Handwriting Processing for User-Centered Systems. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 47 (2017) 165 – 303 (138 pages, 13 research articles). Contents | IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
16th IGS conference: 10-13 June 2013, Nara, Todai-ji Temple, Japan (IGS2013)
Masaki Nakagawa, Marcus Liwicki and Bilan Zhu (Eds.). Recent Progress in Graphonomics: Learn from the Past. Proceedings of IGS 2013. Tokyo: TOKYO UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY PRESS. ISBN 978-4-904309-09-4 (206 pages, 46 extended abstracts). Contents IGS2013 Proceedings | Download IGS2013 Proceedings | Ordering e-mail: nakagawa@cc.tuat.ac.jp
Arend W. A. Van Gemmert & Jose L. Contreras-Vidal (2015). Special Section: Graphonomics and its contribution to the field of motor behavior. Human Movement Science 43, 165 – 249 (85 pages, 6 research articles). Contents | Human Movement Sciences
15th IGS conference: 12-15 June 2011, Cancun, Mexico. (IGS2011)
Proceedings of the 15th International Graphonomics Society Conference June 12-15, 2011, Hotel Live Aqua, Cancún, México. CHAIR: Jose L. Contreras-Vidal, CO-CHAIR: Juan Lopez-Coronado, EDITORS: Elena Grassi and Jose L. Contreras-Vidal. (228 pages, 61 extended abstracts). Contents IGS2011 Proceedings | Download IGS2011 Proceedings
Contreras-Vidal, J. L., Vinter, A., & Rogers, D. (2013). 15th International Graphonomics Society Conference (IGS 2011). Human Movement Sciences, 32, 997-1081. (85 pages, 6 research articles). Contents | Human Movement Sciences.
14th IGS conference: 13-16 Sep. 2009, Dijon, France. (IGS2009)
J.G. Vinter, A., & Velay, J-L. (Eds). Proceedings of the 14th Biennial Conference of the International Graphonomics Society (IGS2009), 13-16 September 2009, Dijon, France. With USB-Key. Dijon: Vidonne Press. ISBN 9-782746-604841. (253 pages, 54 extended abstracts). Contents IGS2009 Proceedings | Download IGS2009 Proceedings. Ordering:Email annie.vinter@u-bourgogne.fr . Price: Euro 33 (+ postage).
Vinter, A., Van Gemmert, A. W. A., & Phillips, J. G. (2011). Progress in graphonomics: A perceptual motor skill perspective. Human Movement Sciences, 30, 683-830. (147 pages, 11 research articles). Contents | Contents, Abstracts, Previews, Purchase | Human Movement Sciences.
13th IGS conference: 11-14 Nov. 2007, Melbourne, Australia. (IGS2007)
J.G. Phillips, D.Rogers, & R.P. Ogeil (Eds.) (2007). Proceedings of the 13th Biennial Conference of the International Graphonomics Society (IGS2007), 11-14 November 2007, Melbourne Australia. With CD. Monash University, Australia: Multimedia Services, Technology Services Group, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, & Health Sciences. ISBN 978-0-7326-4003-3. (253 pages, 54 extended abstracts). Contents IGS2007 Proceedings | Download IGS2007 Proceedings.
J.G. Phillips and A.W.A. Van Gemmert (Eds.) (2009). Disruptions of Handwriting. Human Movement Sciences, 28(5), pp. 553-654. (102 pages, 8 research articles). Contents and Order.
J.G. Phillips (Ed.) (2008). Handwriting Variation. Journal of Forensic Document Examination, 19. pp 1-61. (61 pages, 4 research papers).
J. G. Phillips & A. Marcelli (Eds.) (2009). Graphonomics Research for Human Computer Interaction. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 23(5), pp. 865-1051 (187 pages, 9 research articles). Contents.
12th IGS conference: 26-29 Jun. 2005, Salerno, Italy. (IGS2005)
A. Marcelli & C. De Stefano (Eds.). Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Conference of the International Graphonomics Society (pp 300-304) (IGS2005), 26-29 June 2005, Salerno, Italy. With CD. Civitella, Italy: Editrice Zona. ISBN 88-89702-13-3. (309 pages, 58 extended abstracts). Contents IGS2005 Proceedings | Download IGS2005 Proceedings.
A.W.A. Van Gemmert & H.L. Teulings (Eds.). (2006). Human Movement Sciences, 25, pp. 447-694. (248 pages, 17 research articles). Contents and Order.
A. Marcelli & C. De Stefano (Eds.) (2007) International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 21(1) (9 research articles). Contents and Order.
11th IGS conference: 2-5 Nov. 2003 Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. (IGS2003)
H.L. Teulings & A.W.A. Van Gemmert (Eds.) (2003). Proceedings of the 11th conference of the International Graphonomics Society (IGS2003), 2-5 November 2003, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. Tempe, AZ: NeuroScript. ISBN: 0-9746365-0-9. (331 pages, 77 extended abstracts). Contents IGS2003 Proceedings PDF | Download IGS2003 Proceedings |.Order.
A.W.A. Van Gemmert & H.L. Teulings (Eds.). (2004). Motor Control, 8 (4), 367-564 (13 research articles, 198 pages). Contents. Order.
H.L. Teulings & A.W.A. Van Gemmert (Eds.). (2004). International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 18 (7), 1131-1371 (14 research articles, 241 pages). Contents and Order.
H.L. Teulings & A.W.A. Van Gemmert (Eds.). (2004). Journal of Forensic Document Examination, 16 (8 research articles). Contents and Order: Search for 2004, Vol. 16
10th IGS conference: 2001 Nijmegen, The Netherlands (IGS2001)
R.G.J. Meulenbroek & B. Steenbergen (Eds.) (2001). Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Conference of the International Graphonomics Society. Nijmegen: University of Nijmegen. ISBN 90 373 0583 0. (228 pages, 41 extended abstracts). OUT OF PRINT.
R. G. J. Meulenbroek & A. W. A. Van Gemmert (Eds.) (2003). Advances in the study of drawing and handwriting. Human Movement Science, 22, pp 131-220. (90 pages, 5 research articles) Contents and Order: Select Volume 22, Issue 2.
9th IGS conference: 28-30 Jun. 1999 Singapore, Singapore (IGS1999)
C.G. Leedham, M. Leung, V. Sagar, X. Xuhong (Eds.) (1999). Proceedings of the ninth biennial conference of the International Graphonomics Society.Singapore: Singapore. ISBN: 90-803739-2-3 (305 pages, 57 extended abstracts). OUT OF PRINT.
M. Simner & P. Girouard (Eds.) (2000). Advances in forensic document examination: Selected papers from the ninth biennial conference of the International Graphonomics Society. Journal of Forensic Document Examination, 13. (114 pages, 7 research articles). Contents and Order: Search for 2000, Vol. 13.
8th IGS conference: 24-29 Aug. 1997 Genoa, Italy
A.M. Colla, F. Masulli, & P. Morasso (Eds.) (1997). IGS’97 – Proceedings. Eight Biennial Conference of the International Graphonomics Society. Genova: ART Srl. ISBN 90-803739-1-5. (140 pages, 69 extended abstracts). OUT OF PRINT.
G.P. Van Galen & P. Morasso (Eds.) (1998). Neuromotor Control in Handwriting and Drawing Acta Psychologica, 100 (1-2), 1998 (227 pages, 14 research articles). Contents and Order: Select Volume 100, Issues 1-2.
R. Plamondon and A.-M. Colla (Eds.) (1998). Journal Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 7 (3). (5 research articles). Contents. Order
7th IGS conference: 6-10 Aug. 1995 London, Ontario, Canada
M.L. Simner (Ed.) (1995). Basic and applied issues in handwriting and drawing research: Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial Conference of the International Graphonomics Society. London: Phylmar. ISBN: 0-921121-14-8. (181 pages, 79/84 extended abstracts). OUT OF PRINT.
M.L. Simner, C.G. Leedham, & A.J.W.M. Thomassen (Eds.) (1996). Handwriting and drawing research: Basic and applied issues. IOS Press: Amsterdam. ISBN 90 5199 280 7. (542 pages, 38 research articles). Order.
6th IGS conference: 4-7 Jul 1993 Paris, France
C. Faure, P.J.G. Keuss, G. Lorette & A. Vinter (Eds.) (1993). ICOHD’93: Sizt Intnerational Conference on Handwriting and Drawing. Paris: Telecom 93 S 001. ISSN 1242-5125 (278 pages, 91 extended abstracts). OUT OF PRINT.
C. Faure, P.J.G. Keuss, G. Lorette & A. Vinter (Eds.) (1994). Advances in handwriting and drawing: A multidisciplinary approach. Paris: Europia. ISBN: 2-909285-02-2. (582 pages, 35 research articles). Contents and Order
M. Simner, W. Hulstijn & P. Girouard (Eds.) (1994). Forensic, developmental and neuropsychological aspects of handwriting. Journal of Forensic Document Examination, 1994. Contents and Order: Search for 1994 – Special Issue. (6 research articles).
5th IGS conference: 27-30 Oct. 1991 Tempe, Arizona, USA
G.E. Stelmach (Ed.) (1991). Proceedings of the 5th Handwriting Conference of the International Graphonomics Society. Tempe: Arizona State University. ISBN 0-9630246-0-4 (232 pages, 75 extended abstracts). OUT OF PRINT.
G.P. van Galen & G.E. Stelmach (Eds.) (1993). Handwriting: Issues of psychomotor control and cognitive models. Acta Psychologica, 82 (1-3). (374 pages, 19 research articles). Contents and Order: Select Volume 82, Issues 1-3.
REPRINT: G.P. van Galen & G.E. Stelmach (Eds.) (1993). Handwriting: Issues of psychomotor control and cognitive models. Amsterdam: North Holland, ISSN: 0001-6918. (374 pages, 19 research articles). OUT OF PRINT.
R. Plamondon (Ed.) (1993). Handwriting processing and recognition. Pattern Recognition, 26 (3), Pages 379-460. Contents and Order: Select Volume 26, Issue 3.
4th IGS conference: 24-26 Jul. 1989 Trondheim, Norway
N. Soevik (Ed.) (1989). The fourth IGS conference. The Development of Graphic Skills (DOGS) (82 pages, 56 abstracts). OUT OF PRINT.
J. Wann, A.M. Wing & N. Soevik (Eds.) (1991). Development of graphic skills: Research, perspectives and educational implications. London: Academic Press, ISBN: 0-12-734940-5. OUT OF PRINT.
R. Plamondon & C.G. Leedham (Eds.) (1990). Computer processing of handwriting. Singapore: World Scientific, ISBN: 981-02-0408-6. Contents and Order.
G.P. van Galen, A.J.W.M. Thomassen & A.M. Wing (Eds.) (1991). Handwriting: A movement theme. Human Movement Science, 10 (2-3), pp 163-349. (9 articles, 187 pages). Contents and Order: Select Volume 10, Issues 2-3.
3rd IGS conference: 20-23 Jul. 1987 Montreal, Quebec, Canada (1)
R. Plamondon, C.Y. Suen, J.G. Deschenes, & G. Poulin (1987). Proceedings of the third international symposium on handwriting and computer applications. Montreal: Editions de l’Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, ISBN: 2-553-00197-5. (196 pages, 55 extended abstracts). OUT OF PRINT.
R. Plamondon, C.Y. Suen & M.L. Simner (Eds.) (1989). Computer recognition and human production of handwriting. Singapore: World Scientific. CIP: 88-36559, TA 1650.C66. Contents and Order. (408 pages, 21 research articles)
2nd IGS conference: 8-12 Jul. 1985 Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2)
H.S.R. Kao, G.P. van Galen & R. Hoosain (Eds.) (1986). Graphonomics: Contemporary research in handwriting. Amsterdam: North-Holland, ISBN: 0-444-70047-1. OUT OF PRINT.
1st IGS conference: 12-15 Jul. 1982 Nijmegen, The Netherlands (3)
A.J.W.M. Thomassen, P.J.G. Keuss & G.P. van Galen (Eds.) (1983). Motor Aspects of Handwriting, Acta Psychologica, 54 (1-3). (21 articles, 354 pages). Contents and Order: Select Volume 54, Issues 1-3.
REPRINTED: A.J.W.M. Thomassen, P.J.G. Keuss & G.P. van Galen (Eds.) (1984). Motor aspects of handwriting: Approaches to movement in graphic behavior. Amsterdam: North-Holland. ISBN: 0-444-86774-0. (354 pages, 21 articles). OUT OF PRINT.
(1) IGS logo was established in 1987.
(2) The International Graphonomics Society was established in 1985. First issue on Graphonomics.
(3) The 1982 conference harvested so much interest that a follow-up conference was planned in 1985, where the IGS was established.