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Volume 10, Issues 2-3, Pages 163-349 (May 1991)

articles 1 – 11
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Pages v-vi
H. T. A. Whiting and M. G. Whiting

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Handwriting: A movement theme
Pages 163-164
Gerard P. van Galen, Arnold J. W. M. Thomassen and Alan M. Wing

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Handwriting: Issues for a psychomotor theory
Pages 165-191
Gerard P. van Galen

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Dependence of peripheral and central parameters describing handwriting generation on movement direction
Pages 193-221
Réjean Plamondon and Bernard Clément

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The control of pen pressure in handwriting: A subtle point
Pages 223-246
John Wann and Ian Nimmo-Smith

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Stroke-direction preferences in drawing and handwriting
Pages 247-270
Ruud G. J. Meulenbroek and Arnold J. W. M. Thomassen

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Latencies and kinematics reflect graphic production rules
Pages 271-289
Arnold J. W. M. Thomassen, Ruud G. J. Meulenbroek and Hein J. C. M. Tibosch

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Allographic variability in adult handwriting
Pages 291-300
Rudolf E. van der Plaats and Gerard P. van Galen

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What can indices of handwriting quality tell us about Parkinsonian handwriting?
Pages 301-314
J. G. Phillips, G. E. Stelmach and N. Teasdale

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Control of stroke size, peak acceleration, and stroke duration in Parkinsonian handwriting
Pages 315-334
Hans-Leo Teulings and George E. Stelmach

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Graphic skills used as an instrument for detecting higher cortical dysfunctions in old age
Pages 335-349
K. Ericsson, L. Forssell, K. Amberla, K. Holmén, M. Viitanen and B. Winblad

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