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Advances in Handwriting Drawings
a multidisciplinary approach
from Europia (link)

ISBN 2-909285-02-2 – 582 Pages – Prix 82 Euros

This volume is a contribution to the effort of the International Graphonomics Society (IGS) which aims at facilitating the communication between investigators in the entire area of handwriting and drawing. As such, it presents a wide range of studies on these topics.

The published selection results from a rigourous choice out of about one hundred presentations made at the 6th International IGS Conference on Handwriting and Drawing which was held in Paris in July 1993. This book is primarily addressed to researchers involved in handwriting and drawing who wish to increase their knowledge of these topics and to take advantage both of the experimental procedures and results, and of the models which are developped inside and outside their own area of investigation. It futhermore aims at an audience of scientists who are working in the various disciplines represented in the sections of this volume, for whom human graphic action may become a new topic of investigation. Finally, the book presents many new developments which are directly related to applications in education, remediation, forensic science, and pattern recognition. It therefore has a great potential appeal to professionals working in these applied areas.

Sommaire / Contents
Part I: Automatic processing of handwriting
On-line character recognition with parallel neural networks
Eveline J. Bellegarda, Jérome R. Bellegarda, Jin H. Kim
On-line handwriting recognition using statistical mixtures
Eveline J. Bellegarda, Jérome R. Bellegarda, David Nahamoo, Krishna S. Nathan
Extracting text lines in handwritten documents by perceptual grouping
Laurence Likforman-Sulem, Claudie Faure
Recognition of Arabic handwriting
Katerin Romeo-Pakker, Abderrahim Ameur, Christian Olivier, Yves Lecourtier
Dynamic cursive script recognition: A hybrid approach
Robert Powalka, Nasser Sherkat, Lindsay Evett, Robert Whitrow
Handwriting recognition. An example of perception and action coupling.
Sabine Ploux
Incremental building of an allograph lexicon
Laurent Duneau, Bernadette Dorizziv
Handwriting recognition based on the human reading process
Colin A. Higgins, Paul E. Bramall
Introduction of letter height in HMM for on-line handwriting word recognition
Sophie Bercu, Bernard Delyon
Cursive script recognition by backward matching
Eric Lecolinet
Handwriting recognition using semantic information
Tony G. Rose, Lindsay J. Evett

Part II: Development
Psychomotor development of handwriting: A cross-sectional and longitudinal study
Bouwien C.M. Smits Engelsman, Gerard P. Van Galen, Stanley J. Portier
An interactive handwriting teaching aid
Pascal Carrières, Réjean Plamondon
Relations between linguistic wordgroups and writing
Nils Svik, Oddvar Arntzen, Marit Samuelstuen, Mette Heggberget
Developmental trends of fine motor performance in primary school children: a kinematic analysis
Bea J.M. Kosterman, Paul S.H. Westzaan, Piet C.W. Van Wieringen
Tracing, copying and memory execution of a complex geometric figure by 11-year-old children and adults: coordination of vision and representation
René Baldy, Jean-Francisque Chatillon
Hierarchy among graphic production rules: a developmental approach
Annie Vinter
Functional graphic representation: pictures and symbols
Margaret Martlew, Angela Sorsby

Part III: Motor control
Multiple adaptations to externally controlled progression velocity in handwriting
Arnold J.W.M. Thomassen, Ruud G.J. Meulenbroek, Arjan B. M. Lelivelt
A model for the generation of virtual targets in trajectory formation
Pietro Morasso, Vittorio Sanguineti, Toshio Tsuji
A model of limb segment coordination in drawing behaviour
Ruud Meulenbroek, David Rosenbaum, Arnold J.W.M. Thomassen, Loukia Loukopoulos
Analysis of the parameter dependence of handwriting generation models on movement characteristics
Adel M. Alimi, Réjean Plamondon
Visual perception of motor anticipation in the time course of handwriting
Sonia Kandel, Jean-Pierre Orliaguet, Louis-Jean Boë
The influence of syllabic structure in handwriting and typing production
Pascal Zesiger, Jean-Pierre Orliaguet, Louis-Jean Boë, Pierre Mounoud
On the interdependance of motor programming and feedback processing in handwriting
Gerard P. Van Galen, Hans-Leo Teulings, Jan Sanders
Effects of a secondary, auditory task on graphic aiming movements
Arend W. A. Van Gemmert, Gerard P. Van Galen

Part IV: Clinical aspects
Treatment of writer’s cramp. Kinematics measures as an assessment tool for planning and evaluation training procedures
Norbert Mai , Christian Marquardt
Effects of short-term physiotherapy on the handwriting proficiency of clumsy children
Marina M. Schoemaker, Jan M.H. Schellekens, Alex F. Kalverboer
Figure copying and retardation in depression
Wouter Hulstijn, Hanneke I.A.J. Van Mier, Jacques J.M. Van Hoof
Improving the predictive validity of geometric-design copying tasks on instruments used to evaluate school readiness
Marvin. L. Simner
Forensic analysis of handwriting in multiple personality disorder
Bonnie L. Schwid, Lynn Wilson Marks

Part V: Cultural and social aspects
Slowly and rapidly produced handwriting forgeries
Petra E.C. Halder-Sinn Thought, language and handwriting: what can we guess from literary drafts?
Jacques Anis
Some contour features in medieval scripts: a preliminary study
John B. Friedman
Création oui, imposition non – Caractères éphémères dans la longue histoire de l’écriture chinoise
Shun-Chiu Yau, Françoise Bottero
Evolution de l’interconnection entre l’oral et l’écrit dans les écritures libyco-berbères
Jeannine Drouin