UAG Engineering Department            


Day 1        Day 2       Day 3       Day 4

L : Long presentation (25’ + 5’), S : Standard presentation (15’ + 5’), Poster and Demo teaser (5’)

JUNE, SUNDAY, 21 (campus of fouillole, l’Esplanade, faculty of science)



Welcome party

Surrounding Caribean sea, with traditional

cocktail and Caribean Jazz ambiance.


JUNE, MONDAY, 22 (Campus of Fouillole, Faculty of Science, Méhaut EH4 room)

08H00  Registration

08H30  Opening Session (Chair C. REMI)

09H30  Keynote Speech: Pr. Réjean Plamondon (Chair : A MARCELLI)

    Personal digital bodyguard for e-security, e-health and e-learning

10H30  Coffee Break

11H00  Oral Session 1: Handwriting Analysis and Recognition 1 (Chair : G PIRLO)

11H00  L: An Incremental Approach towards Online Sketch Recognition

Lukas Tencer, Marta Režnáková and Mohamed Cheriet

11H30   S: Feature evaluation for discriminating handwriting fragments

Claudio De Stefano, Francesco Fontanella, Angelo Marcelli, Antonio Parziale and Alessandra Scotto di Freca

11H50  Pause

12H00  Poster and Demo Teaser (Chair : J NAGAU)

12H05  Relationships between Handwriting Features and Executive Control among Children with Developmental Dysgraphia

Sara Rosenblum

12H10  The timing of eye-hand movements during signature simulations

Avni Pepe and Jodi Sita

12H15  Stress and Motor Learning: Does the Presentation of Physical or Cognitive Stress Influence Motor Skill Acquisition?

Christopher Aiken, Sarah Odom and Arend Van Gemmert

12H20  Subspace method with multi scale wavelet for identification of handwritten lines

Takeshi Furukawa

12H25  Haar like features for query by string word spotting

Nicole Vincent, Adam Ghorbel and Jean-Marc Ogier

12H30  Writer identification – clustering letters with unknown authors

Johanna Putz-Leszczynska

12H35  An assessment of dynamic signature forgery creation methodology and accuracy

Luiz Felipe Belem de Oliveira and Richard Guest

12H40  Universum Learning for Semi-Supervised Signature Recognition from Spatio-Temporal Data

Lukas Tencer, Marta Režnáková and Mohamed Cheriet

12H45  Lunch

14H00  Keynote Speech: Dr. Max Ortiz Catalan(Chair : A MARCELLI)

Skeletal attachment and neural control of artificial limbs

15H00  Oral Session 2: Medical Applications 1 (Chair : S GAUCHER-CAZALIS)

15H00 L: Predicting Hand Forces from Scalp Electroencephalography During Isometric Grip and Object Grasping

Andrew Paek, Alycia Gailey, Pranav Parikh, Marco Santello and Jose Contreras-Vidal

15H30  Poster and Demo Session

16H00  Coffee Break (Poster and Demo Session)

16H30  Oral Session 3: Education and Handwriting 1 (Chair : C REMI)

16H30  L: Ortho-syllable and syllable affect the dynamics of adjectives handwriting in French

Eric Lambert and Pauline Quémart

17H00  S: How Handwriting Evolves: An Initial Quantitative Analysis of the Development of Indic Scripts

Vinodh Rajan

17H20  End of the scientific sessions of IGS2015 first day


Concomittant to IGS2015 meeting with Guadeloupean actors of handwriting learning and its rehabilitation (Chair : J-L HENRY) 
(Free access – language : French)
Thème : Réalités et défis de l’apprentissage de l’écriture


et de la prise en charge de ses difficultés en Guadeloupe

JUNE, TUESDAY, 23 (Campus of Fouillole, Faculty of Science, Méhaut EH4 room)

09H00  Registration

09H30  Keynote Speech: Dr. Tracy A. Hammond (Chair : E ANQUETIL)

The personal nature of sketching and the impact of sketch recognition systems

10H30  Coffee Break

11H00  Oral Session 4: Handwriting Analysis and Recognition 2 (Chair : A FISHCHER)

11H00  L: An algorithm based on visual perception of similarity for handwriting comparison

Antonio  Parziale, Stanislao Davino and Angelo Marcelli

11H30  L: Recognize multi-touch gestures by graph modeling and matching

Zhaoxin Chen, Eric Anquetil, Harold Mouchère and Christian Viard-Gaudin

12H00  L: The generation of synthetic handwritten data for improving on-line learning

Marta Režnáková, Lukas Tencer, Réjean Plamondon and Mohamed Cheriet

12H45  Lunch

14H00  Oral Session 5: Medical Applications 2 (Chair : J VAILLANT)

14H00  L: Omega-Lognormal Analysis of Oscillatory Movements as a Function of Brain Stroke Risk Factors

Albert Bou Hernandez, Andreas Fischer and Réjean Plamondon

14H35  L: Monitoring Neuromotricity On-line: a Cloud Computing Approach.

Olivier Lefebvre, Pau Riba, Charles Fournier, Alicia Fornes, Josep Llados, Réjean Plamondon and Jules Gagnon-Marchand

15H05  S: A neurocomputational model of spinal circuitry for controlling the execution of arm voluntary movements

Antonio Parziale, Jacopo Festa and Angelo MarcellI

15H25  Free time

17H00  Bus departure

17H30  Botanical Garden Valombreuse

18H30  Cocktail (+ surprises)

19H30  Gala Dinner

21H45  Bus departure

June, Wednesday, 24 (Campus Camp Jacob, Amphitheater G Archimède )

8H00  Bus departure to St-Claude Campus

10H00  Coffee Break / Registration

0H30 Keynote Speech: Dr. Jean Luc Velay (Chair : L PREVOST)

Translating graphical movements into sounds and music to facilitate handwriting rehabilitation

11H30  Oral Session 6: Education and Handwriting 2 (Chair : J-L VELAY)

11H30  L: Online Handwriting Analysis with Fuzzy Models

Manuel  Bouillon and Eric Anquetil

12H00  L: Evaluation of Different Handwriting Teaching Methods by Kinematic and Quality Analyses

Pierluigi D’Antrassi, Agostino Accardo, Paola Ceschia, Iolanda Perrone and Carmen Mandarino

12H30  L: Exploring the Kinematic Dimensions of Kindergarten Children’s Scribbles

Céline Remi, Jean Vaillant, Réjean Plamondon, Lionel Prevost and Thérésa Duval

13H00  Lunch

14H20 Oral Session 7: Forensic Sciences 1 (Chair : A MARCELLI)

14H20  L: A Dissimilarity Measure for On-Line Signature Verification Based on the Sigma-Lognormal Model

Andreas Fischer and Réjean Plamondon

14H50  L: Hyper-spectral Analysis for Automatic Signature Extraction

Muhammad Imran Malik, Sheraz Ahmed, Faisal Shafait, Ajmal Saeed Mian, Andreas Dengel, Marcus Liwicki and Christian Nansen

15H20  L: Stability/Complexity Analysis of Dynamic Handwritten Signatures

Giuseppe Pirlo, Donato Impedovo and Tommaso Ferrante

15H50  Pause

14H20 Oral Session 7: Forensic Sciences 2 (Chair : H HARRALSON)

15H50  S: Characteristics of Constrained Handwritten Signatures: An Experimental Investigation

Giuseppe Pirlo, Donato Impedovo and Fabrizio Rizzi

16H10  S: Handwriting and Visual Impairment: A Forensic Analysis of J. S. Bach’s Signatures

Heidi H. Harralson, Clare Kaufman and Martin W. B. Jarvis

16H30  S: Training- and Segmentation-Free Intuitive Writer Identification with Task-Adapted Interest Points

Angelika Garz, Marcel Würsch and Rolf Ingold

16H50  S: A Survey of Forensic Handwriting Examination Research in Response to the NAS Report

Heidi H. Harralson, Elizabeth Waites and Emily J. Will

17H10  Pause

17H30  Award & Closing Session (Chair : R PLAMONDON)

18H00  Farewell Cocktail

18H45  Bus departure

IGS 2015 will take place in Guadeloupe

Important Dates:

  • Paper submission:2015-02-02
  • Notification: 2015-03-04
  • Camera-ready: 2015-03-28
  • Registration: 2015-04-28