
IGS 2023: Conference of the International Graphonomics Society

 Universidade de Évora, Portugal

October 16-19, 2023


Submitting at IGS2023 will put you on a fast track toward an official publication.


Please, register and log in at the EasyChair submission system today (click here) and enter your primary topic and a preliminary title.

Paper Submissions Guidelines

Double-blind process
For the first time, IGS 2023 will follow a double-blind review process. Authors should not include their names or affiliations anywhere in the manuscript. Authors should also ensure that their identity is not revealed indirectly by citing their previous work in the third person, and by omitting acknowledgments until the camera‐ready version.

. Full papers

Full papers should have 12–15+ pages, where a page constitutes 300-400 words, in the LNCS template.

. Short papers

Short papers should have 6-11 pages, where a page constitutes 300-400 words, in the LNCS template.

. Extended abstracts

The extended abstracts should have 2-5 pages in the IGS format (click here). These abstracts will be published in IGS Abstracts eBook.

Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines (here) and use their proceedings templates either for Microsoft Word (click here), or LaTeX (click here). Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs. In addition, the corresponding author must complete and sign Consent-to-Publish and copyright forms on behalf of all co-authors.

Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the Program Committee. Based on the reviewer’s suggestions and the topic of the manuscript, it may be accepted for oral presentation. Accepted full and short manuscripts will be published in the virtual conference proceedings volume of Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). LNCS is a distinguished conference proceedings series where each paper will be indexed in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), Scopus, EI Engineering Index, Google Scholar, DBLP; etc. (more details here).

Accepted Extended Abstracts will be published by the International Graphonomic Society in a Book of Conference Proceedings.

In both cases, the corresponding author of a particular paper must sign a Publication agreement on behalf of all the co-authors, having gained their permission to do so. The corresponding author signs and accepts responsibility for releasing the material on behalf of all co-authors.

For questions, please email igs2023@uevora.pt and expect a response within 1 business day.

Important dates:

Submission Deadline: June 23, 2023


Notification Due: July 7, 2023

Final Version Due: July 21, 2023

Main Conference: October 16-19, 2023


Any accepted paper included in the final program is expected to have at least one author to attend and present the paper on-site at the conference. At least one author of each accepted paper should register the paper at full-rate or student-rate.

Authors of the accepted papers included in the final program who do not attend the Conference will be removed from the Conference Schedule and removed from the Conference Proceedings. If you are not able to attend, a co-author may present in your absence.


To stimulate the involvement of young researchers, this award recognizes the best paper authored as the main author and presented by a student at the Conference of the International Graphonomics Society of 2023 (Sponsored by IAPR).